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CEN, University of Hamburg. Department Maritime Systems, Rostock. German Oceanographic Museum, Stralsund. Ocean in the climate system. International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology. Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries Science. Physics of the Earth System.
Wie man sieht sind die Plätze sehr begehrt. Am Ausbildungszentrum in Rostock ist kurzfristig ein Platz frei geworden. Bei Interesse findet man nähere Infos hier. Bitte schauen sie für Aktualisierungen immer mal wieder vorbei.
Marine Metagenomics for New Biotechnological Applications. Cruises and Work on Board. Pplications , a collaborative project to mine for and use of new microbial activities, in particular for targeted production of fine chemicals, antioxidants and anti-cancer drugs. School of Biological Sciences, Bangor University.
Das MARUM umfasst das DFG-Forschungszentrum und den Exzellenzcluster Der Ozean im System Erde. MARUM - Dem Meer auf den Grund gehen! MARUM erforscht Zusammenhänge zwischen Ozean und Klima, Wechselwirkungen zwischen Geosphäre und Biosphäre sowie die Dynamik des Meeresbodens. MARUM betreibt und entwickelt moderne Unterwassertechnologien. Hinzu kommen Archive für Proben vom Meeresboden, das Datenzentrum PANGAEA und zeitgemäße Labore.
WP 1 Management and Coordination. WP 3 Oceanography and Environmental Data. WP 4 Standards and Interoperability. WP 5 Bioinformatics and Data Integration. WP 6 Exploring Ecosystems Biology. WP 7 Function and Biotechnology. WP 9 Dissemination and Outreach.
How do cells form tissues? We want to understand how cells form tissues and how these tissues develop into complex organisms. We want to understand the molecular principles underlying the development of organisms and how they brought about diversity. We develop new technologies that make the invisible visible and simulate biological processes to understand life.
Additives for plastics and coatings. Stabilizers for polymers are used singly or in combinations to prevent the oxidation, chain fission, uncontrolled recombinations and cross-linking reactions that are caused by photo-oxidation of polymers. Currently there are no news items.
At MPI Coin we produce unique collectible coin products. Historical moments, events, and anniversaries. Both the US and private mints give our customers options from a trustworthy source.
LED Test, Sort and Handling. MPI Probe Cards Probe Stations Thermal Test Wafer Probe Stations LED Test Wafer Probing Station Semiconductor Wafer Test Environmental Test Chambers Semiconductor Wafer Probing Environmental Chamber Wafer Prober.